General principles
- We encourage all client contact to be via remote connection/working where this is an option.
- Where site visits are required, site guidance on social distancing and hygiene should be explained to visitors in writing before arrival so that it is properly adhered to. Reminders may be given verbally on arrival.
- We limit the number of visitors at any one time.
- We determine if schedules for essential services and contractor visits can be revised to reduce interaction and overlap between people, for example carrying out services at night.
- We maintain a record of all visitors in the usual way.
- We revisit visitor arrangements to ensure social distancing and hygiene for example where someone physically signs in with the same pen in reception.
- We provide clear guidance on social distancing and hygiene to people on arrival for example signage or visual aids and before arrival for example by phone or face to face (social distancing) or by email.
- We establish host responsibilities relating to Covid19 and provide any necessary training and equipment.
- We provide hand washing facilities or hand sanitisers where it is not possible to provide such facilities at entry and exit points and do not use touch based security devices such as keypads.
Specific guidance on meetings
- We will only permit absolutely necessary participants to attend meetings and we will maintain the 2 metre separation distance throughout.
- We avoid transmission during meetings for example there shall be no sharing of pens and other objects. We ask clients who will be signing documents to bring their own pens.
- We provide hand sanitiser in meeting rooms.
Further specific guidance for staff and potential visitors
If it is absolutely necessary for a client to visit the office then they should be sent an email in advance of that meeting which should outline how the meeting is to take place and the conditions under which the meeting will take place.
Email attachment to send to all visitors who are invited to attend or office for a face to face meeting. (A template will follow )
- Please drive to our office and when you arrive outside our office you should telephone the direct dial number of the Gordons person you are seeing (the “person”) (remember to bring the direct dial number with you). Please remember to bring your own pen if you are going to be asked to sign any documents.
- If that person is working in Winter Hill House then they will come down to the entrance hallway and open the door.
- If the person is working in our adjoining building then they will walk to Winter Hill House, open the door while you remain socially distanced.
- The person will invite you directly into the office without you touching any exterior or interior doors and you will be invited directly into the meeting room where you will be requested to be seated at the far end of the large conference room.
- The person will then enter the meeting room and invite you to hand sanitise at any time during the period of the meeting.
- The person will advise you of the procedure to be adopted at the meeting and how you will sign any documentation. You will be encouraged to bring your own pen for signing any documentation so that there is no transmission from one person to another.
- After the meeting has concluded and any signing formalities have been finalised the person should inform you that the meeting has ended. All parties should then exit the meeting room utilising the hand sanitiser by the front door before they exit the property.
- Any final discussion between you and the person can take place socially distanced in the car park if it is discreet to do so.
- In the event that you wish to utilise the toilet facilities you will be directed to the appropriate facility up the stairs. You will be invited if possible not to touch the hand rails and to utilise the hand sanitiser outside the toilets before entering the toilets and after existing the toilets. You will be encouraged to utilise the hand washing and hand sanitiser facilities provided.
In the above manner we believe we will be complying with Government guidelines and ensuring that your safety at all times is of the utmost importance to us.